Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Sad Yet True Tale

For this post, I want to tell you all a story. It starts roughly 18 years ago, just a few more days and it will be. A boy was born to a woman and man. This boy was raised well by his father, his mother not wanting much more than to have the title that having the boy afforded her. She would leave and come back to the man, and he would accept her back every time.

Her son, no matter the situation or state of his mother, loved her very deeply. He loves her so much that to this day, I am not allowed to say anything bad about her. This boy's younger brother feels the exact same way about this woman that is a mother in title only.

There then came a time when this woman found another man other than the father of her two sons to go to. She was with this man, who neither of the boys liked, no longer than a few months at most, if memory serves. Then another came to her, this one she married.

Once the boy had had enough of his step mother, he moved in with his mother and her new husband. This was admittedly a better setup than what he had with his father and step mother, but it was not to last. Recently, his mother has found her another man. Her husband kicked her out of his home and with her, the boy. The woman's new man wants nothing to do with the boy and therefore neither does she. This means he has but one place to go: his father's house. The boy is not happy in the least with this.

Is it right for this to happen? Of course not! A mother is not someone who abandons their child when a new man doesn't want them! No, a mother should shun the man who says that about their child! But not this one...

The boy's name is Zachary Long, my cousin and brother by adoption. The younger brother is Andrew Long. Even after all that their mother has done to them, they love her unconditionally and get extremely angry when anyone, even their father or me, says anything that goes against the image of her they have in their heads... It is this that makes it all the worse. As I sit here and type this, Zac is sitting next door, shut up in a hurriedly cleaned up room that used to belong to him mourning this tragedy. He knows he'll likely not get to go back to his mother for a long time, if ever, but he's trying to do what he's done so many times before...

This situation will not end well for any side. I wrote this in hopes that you, my friends, who know Zac may understand why he's so... odd, and why I am still so close to him despite that (without me, I sometimes think he'd be in a mental ward...). So there's my two cents on this subject.


Gastonwxman said...

I feel awfully sorry about hearing such a situation occurring in your family. I have been in a major family issue myself. A woman that my dad used to work with at the mill back a few years ago caused family issues. She had been flirting with my dad at the time, and mom did not like this one bit. I cannot remember her name, but she had no true feelings for dad; she was planning on using him. She didn't care if I was here, she only wanted dad. It nearly came to the point to where I was going to end losing my own dad, and it bothered me for days, weeks, and even nearly a couple of months. Luckily, it turned out well after a few weeks of being able to get dad out of that mill and into another job. Mom and I were very happy that it did not turn the "other way." To this day, I wonder if it will return, and how I would approach it then.

I give Zac my support that somehow, someway, the tables will turn, and it will end in the way that you want it to be. He may not be a part of my family, but I still treat him as one of my own members. I will be with both you and Zac and everyone else affected by this situation in great spirit, and as a good friend to you, you know that I would not lie about something so serious. Just remember to not let the negative side of things get ahold of you; think positive. Who knows? This issue can change entirely.

With respect and care- R.C.

Desert said...

Well I hope Zac won't get to a computer anytime soon, 'cos I'm tempted to go on an irate rant about what a worthless bitch his mother comes off as.

At the moment I need to go do something else so I don't end up doing irreversible damage to something. That pisses me off, to an extent I have rarely been pissed...

Rosenkreuz said...

Quite frankly, I agree with the Lynx on this one. While I may appear apathetic around you guys, this does quite frankly make me want to raise the flames of hell at his "mother". I know Zac, not nearly as much as Patrick of course, but from the time i've spent with him i can only say: Yes, he's odd, but he's cool in my book. Yes he's annoying, but that didn't keep me from hanging out with him half the night on WoW last weekend.
I consider Zac a friend and if there was anything I could do for him I would. I considered lending him my laptop to play WOW on to keep up with us, but sadly i cant find it at the moment....
I can only say that should he ever come looking for a friend, I know he has Patrick, and I intend to help him as well. I just hope his pathetic excuse for a mother comes to her senses before something truly disastrous happens. If she dosnt make an attempt to make ties with Zac, she will have absolutely no one to run to when it all falls down.

Blaze said...

To Reggie - Thanks, I know you really mean that.

To Ann - Calling his mother a worthless bitch is making her sound too good. There are no words in any language I know that can describe what she is. But yeah, if I keep trying to think on words to describe her, I'll get more agitated than I already am. And that wouldn't be good at all...

To David - Of course you agree with her, she's exactly right. Although I'm afraid that if his mother came back to him in a year's time, he'd forgive and forget. That's just how he is. He gave me his WoW account information and told me to take what I wanted then delete it... Needless to say, I lost that somewhere in the area of the rubbish bin. He's getting back on that game if I have to give him my computer!!! It made him happy...

Yeah, my two cents were already posted and then I had to give a nickel or two more here, haha.