Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Year, One Love...

One year of joy.
One year of trials.
One year of love.

I originally planned on writing an elaborate poem to you and posting it here, since I think we're the only ones who frequent this place anymore. But, before I could think of something, my creativity ran away. All that remains is these three lines. At least they sum it up, eh?

I'll just write it prose then, since that's easier...

Ann, my love, its been one year today since I first told you how I felt. And through this one year, you've been my one love. Now, the formula changes. Two years won't make two loves, I promise you this. You're still the one, the only one, I love. So now I want to do something special, since I won't be seeing you today. Think this will work?

lolcats - Happy Anniversary!

I hope so. ^_^

With hugs, kisses, and lots of love,
- Patrick

Friday, September 19, 2008

New year, New pants

I think that pretty much sums up all I've been doing while in my hiatus from the blogs.

The new school year started with a spectacular bore, as usual. Not really much to say here, except that I think Sociology is gonna be one of the better classes. Its quite fun.

And of course, the most recent thing... My new pants! Its a pair of Tripp's, which I think I like. Ann has wore a pair everyday since I've known her, so that's the only reason I know what they are, haha. But after my first day (today was my first day of wearing them :D), I think I like them. But then again, after being told so many nice things, who wouldn't want to keep wearing them? Although I heard everything from how wrong it was for me to wear them, to how cute Ann and I looked as a match and how sexy I was in them. I'm sexy... ^_^

Anyway, yeah... That's about all for now. Until next time...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Final Countdown

This school year is coming to a close. Exams are this week. Then we're seniors. Amazingly enough, this has just hit me. And hit it did. Hard.

This summer I'll end up getting my license and a job. Dunno where yet, since most places I want to work (damn you, Books-A-Million...) won't let me work there until I'm 18. Best Buy or Sakura's seem to be the current ideas, but that could change. Driving's not hard or anything, I just don't want to do it. I guess you could just say I don't want things to change...

Over the summer, there'll be days when I stay at home and do nothing, days I go to grandma's to get the heck bugged out of me by Mikie (one of my numerous cousins), and some when I work (depending on the job, I may or may not like this part). At least I'll have money for the rising cost of gasoline and to do things with. Joy.

There is one thing that might make this summer much better. We're moving. Mum and Dad have a list of houses, most of which are in the Ashbrook and Forestview areas (both of which I plan to never attend. Huss all the way!). Most of them are nice, but there are some that are just horrible or too far. One was out in Mount Holly. That's farther away from civilization than we are now! I'll try to steer them in the right path, though. That's gonna be hard...

So that's my summer in a nutshell. Sounds great, eh? Anyway, all of you guys need to keep in touch. As my psychologist has pointed out, I have a bit of depression and loneliness from being alone in the middle of nowhere... But we're trying to fix that problem.

For the summer,
-Blaze (Patrick)

P.S. If you guys have any suggestions on vehicles, places to move to, jobs, etc., I'm more than open to them. I'll make sure they get directed to the proper section of my brain for processing.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Prom was last Saturday, and it was awesome to say the least.

I got ready and headed off for all the grandparents' houses to let them see me in my tux at around 2. Mum's mum was really excited and did something really out of character. She gave Dad a kiss on the cheek. That was definitely something that made the day great, not to mention all the stuff to come. Dad's dad thought I looked nice, and his mum started crying. Kinda sad, but I know it was tears of joy. Even if she did keep bawling long after we left...

At that point, it was about time for us to get Ann. Or so we thought... Get there and it turned out she had thought she was just going over to David's (the meeting place) and then Dad would be chaperoning. That wasn't what I had thought, but whatever. I handed over the corsage to her mother and we wandered around while Ann got ready.

Breathtaking. Probably the only word I could use to describe her. Even though it wasn't a dress, it was close enough. She was extremely beautiful. I strapped the corsage on her wrist and she pinned the boutonnière on my lapel. It was one of those moments, y'know?

We all met at David's, took a little while longer to wait on David's date, Paige, and then headed for the River Rat. The food was great, I had a filet mignon (FI-LAY MIN-YON Happy with my pronunciation now???) and Ann had a cheeseburger. Told her to get a steak (she wanted one, I could tell), but she didn't. And while eating the appetizer of chicken, an incident, that to protect the victim the details shall remain secret, happened. But enough of events that I swore not to speak of again.

We arrived at prom a little late, but they still let us in. The music was really nothing but rap, and since Ann wasn't too keen on dancing, we didn't. Say what you want, but dancing isn't all that prom is about. Its a night to spend with the one you love and any friends who are too annoyed by your happiness to bug you to dance. We had pictures taken, and while we haven't gotten them back yet, I'm sure they turned out great.

The after party was even better than the actual prom. It had good music, popcorn, and Ann and I actually danced there. Would have been longer if Kati hadn't been changing the good music to that country crap. Ruined the moment, but whatever.

The pictures taken with Dad's evil camera may be found here.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Something That Makes Me Wonder

Sorry I posted twice in one day, but this just had to get a post. If you want to see my other post for the day, just scroll down a little.

Ann had a Sharpie marker today. This essentially means she went wild with it and I got a dot on my forehead and a mark on each arm. So on the way home Mum sees the shiny silver marks on my pale skin. Then the flames of hell broke loose...

Mum apparently didn't like the fact that I was marked up. And then she had to bring up the fact that Ann has a tendency to be a little on the physical side when I make bad jokes or some such. She kept trying to make the point that she didn't want me ending up in an abusive relationship. Did she stop with Ann, though? No, she had to continue. She recanted that David also has a tendency (and more like a sadistic need, I'll agree with her on this) to cause me harm to the head. And the list just keeps going on (with David, she didn't have anything else to say about Ann. Which is good, because I was getting rather ticked off with her)...

I want you guys to know that while I don't especially enjoy the horrible and brutal beatings I receive at your cruel hands (dramatization), I know its all in friendly pestering or some such. It is right? (Another joke! Maybe I should stop the joking...) Now to get her to think so... But, yeah. If you're asked anything about your brutality towards me, just nod and go along with it and tell her you give me daily beatings to make sure I know my place or something to humour her. Letting you guys know in advance.

This recent incident proves my fears. I'm almost 99.8% sure there is something up with my mother's mental state. Not as bad as what you would see on a TV talk show, but bad enough to drive me and others around her nuts. Or maybe she just does this stuff on purpose, I don't know. Whatever the case, its irritating.

I hate posts like this! They're not my style. I tried to get rid of one with a post about just regular stuff, but the fates must be against me or something. But what can you do? Life sometimes gives you E. Bola mixed in with your manna from heaven... OH! I like that line!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Post for Posting's Sake

I really hate my last post, so in order to remedy it staring me in the face every time I check my blog and to update, here goes!

Recently I've taken two of the AP tests that I signed up for. There's still the last one, English, left to take. If its as easy as the last two, Biology and History, then I think I'll ace it. We were told not to discuss anything about the test (like anyone cares), so I'll just leave it at that for now.

Also, prom's looming on the horizon. Its this Saturday. I can't wait! Its gonna be great, but the music's gonna be horrible. But at least I'll have Ann and my friends there. ^_^ Actually, that reminds me of something I need to do...

I think that's all there is for now, so I'll leave it at this. Until next time!

Oh! One last thing. I recently found an extremely hilarious animation that parodies the Hansel & Gretel story. They want to take over the world. The link to it is here, if anyone wants to see it. Now I've said it all.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Sad Yet True Tale

For this post, I want to tell you all a story. It starts roughly 18 years ago, just a few more days and it will be. A boy was born to a woman and man. This boy was raised well by his father, his mother not wanting much more than to have the title that having the boy afforded her. She would leave and come back to the man, and he would accept her back every time.

Her son, no matter the situation or state of his mother, loved her very deeply. He loves her so much that to this day, I am not allowed to say anything bad about her. This boy's younger brother feels the exact same way about this woman that is a mother in title only.

There then came a time when this woman found another man other than the father of her two sons to go to. She was with this man, who neither of the boys liked, no longer than a few months at most, if memory serves. Then another came to her, this one she married.

Once the boy had had enough of his step mother, he moved in with his mother and her new husband. This was admittedly a better setup than what he had with his father and step mother, but it was not to last. Recently, his mother has found her another man. Her husband kicked her out of his home and with her, the boy. The woman's new man wants nothing to do with the boy and therefore neither does she. This means he has but one place to go: his father's house. The boy is not happy in the least with this.

Is it right for this to happen? Of course not! A mother is not someone who abandons their child when a new man doesn't want them! No, a mother should shun the man who says that about their child! But not this one...

The boy's name is Zachary Long, my cousin and brother by adoption. The younger brother is Andrew Long. Even after all that their mother has done to them, they love her unconditionally and get extremely angry when anyone, even their father or me, says anything that goes against the image of her they have in their heads... It is this that makes it all the worse. As I sit here and type this, Zac is sitting next door, shut up in a hurriedly cleaned up room that used to belong to him mourning this tragedy. He knows he'll likely not get to go back to his mother for a long time, if ever, but he's trying to do what he's done so many times before...

This situation will not end well for any side. I wrote this in hopes that you, my friends, who know Zac may understand why he's so... odd, and why I am still so close to him despite that (without me, I sometimes think he'd be in a mental ward...). So there's my two cents on this subject.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Prom, Spark, and Programming, Oh My!

Back to my own blog at last! Well, what to talk about... Oh! I think I know!

Prom's coming up soon. May 17, if I've gotten all my details correct. And I'm rather excited. Big social event for the antisocial guy, very much anticipating it. And its all the better because I get to go to it with my wonderful girlfriend. ^_^ Now I just need to get a tuxedo (gotta look sharp, haha) and a few other things I'd like not to spoil for Ann (I know you'll read this eventually, love). So, yeah...

And in more awesome news: Blaze has gotten his spark back. No more "auto pilot syndrome" as I've come to call it. My homework shall be done and there's not gonna be anymore of this slacking that has become a regular thing with me. No, not anymore. I'm back, and this time I have backup! And there was talk of if I fizzled out again there would be something about a certain girl and oil to light me back up... but I dunno.

Yeah, that's about it. Nothing else that I can think of. Except I'm attempting to learn how to program in C++ so I can make a game for my PSP. That would rock if I could pull it off, which I might actually be able to do. I do have my friends helping me. But if anyone wants to offer their aid in making or teaching me some vital part that I don't know how to do, don't hesitate to contact me. I need all the help I can get... So until next time, see ya!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Random Update

Today was the first day of the new semester. As such, I think its about time to bring in another blog post, hopefully one that will break the string of depressed and/or philosophical ones that have been present on my and my friends' blogs for quite a while now.

First up (after the boring and completely useless homeroom) was Biology 2's second half, now in first period from the third period slot it was in last semester. Both my friends were in there as was my girlfriend, which was to be expected. I did get a couple of surprises in that class though. The IB (that's the program we're in at school) has been canceled and Ms. B (the teacher) is pregnant. I was more surprised by the latter, I knew the IB was too good to last for long.

Second period was Pre-calculus. That is going to be a very boring class, although I could be sorely mistaken. Only time will tell, I guess. Oh, and the crew was there too.

Third period was US History. We have this new guy in there as a sort of assistant to Mr. Noblitt, a student teacher I think was what he called him. Anyway, that was new (although he was there for the last bit of last semester). The only person missing in there was Reggie, but he was in Computer Apps 2 (lucky bum!).

Fourth period was Art 2. I was all alone in there, Ann in Chemistry (with a very wacky teacher, I might add), David in Criminal Justice, and Reggie in US History with Ms. Yancey (very old and boring teacher). But its going to be an easy class; most of it is over drawing and sketching (my favourite part of art).

Ok, that's about it. I.... got nothing. Oh! For those of you who understand/care/whatever, I have now made it into the coolest part of World of Warcraft: Outland! ^_^ I'm gonna go play now that I'm out of stuff to say.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Problems, meh...

Its been a few weeks since I posted last, so I guess I had best do it while I'm thinking about it.

I feel miserable. The people around me are worse off, but I'm only feeling bad because I can't help them. David's girlfriend broke up with him recently and his aunt died even more recently. Zac's got his usual issues (very long story. If you really want to know, get a drink and snack and sit in a comfy chair, it'll take a while). Ann's dealing with bad grades, a class she hates with every fiber of her being, and some other issues.

As much as I would love to get them back together and see him happy about that, David's single now. His aunt died two days before Christmas (not a damper on the fun at all, is it?). He seems to be doing ok, but for anyone who has read his blog or saw him for a while after that stuff happened, he's definitely been hit hard. He firmly denies this, of course (yes, I know you're gonna read this. That's why I'm saying it!)

Zac's issues are his own. Like I said, it would take a long time to tell all about it. Just know that he's never gotten over them and likely never will.

Ann's been going through a lot of stuff. I know about this stuff. She doesn't really want help, which makes me feel bad that she won't let me help, but I let it go. She, like me (not on purpose, I can say with complete honesty), is having some problems with grades. While I'm barely passing, she's doing better, but its still not something she likes (I don't like mine any better, but I guess I'm just more mellow or something o_O). The class she doesn't want is Spanish 5, something that I'll have to take next year (I didn't take it this year, but I have to before I graduate). Well, she's not doing so hot in that (I likely won't either, because I don't get Spanish any better than she does). And on top of all that, she's got some issues at home.

So I feel like crap because I don't like my friends not being at the top of their game, but there's not much I can do. Until they get better/over/etc their respective problems, I'm gonna be in my own personal hell. Time to end this post before it never stops.

Until next time
- Blaze